Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Women today

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How are our women today with respect to what they wear?re most women not imitating men today?are they not going to pre-historic period when there were no really appropriate clothes to cover the shameful parts?bedroom dress has become public wears.under wears are now exposed.we now see matured women appearing naked!sexy arms are bare,breast are bearly covered and stomach are has become difficult to differentiate between what the prostitutes wear to tempt the foolish men and what other women wear.women's provocative ways of dressing in this 21st century have caused devastating mental,spiritual,moral,economicand social-cultural havoc to the society.Unfortunately,there are amongst men and women who do not see anything bad in the prevailing nude culture.they ignorantly say"what is wrong in women appearing in the see thrus,net pants?it has nothing to do with religion&morality in any is actually in the heart"they are only deceiving thereselve.what the eye see affect the brain.

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