Monday, September 11, 2017

Maybe You Are A sinner?

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Maybe U r sinner? But still Allah Loves u if u repent unto Him because Allah love those repent so  Don't despair with MERCY of Allah سبحان و تعلى Because no one will  forgive you  except Him  hope in Allah's Mercy always  He is Al Ghaafir udh Zhanb The Forgiver of Sins  and Repent unto Allah before its too late.

. 'Abdullah bin 'Umar bin Al-Khattab (رضي الله عنه ) reported that: The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم ) said

, "Allah accepts a slave's repentance as long as the latter is not on his death bed (that is, before the soul of the dying person reaches the throat)".

[At-Tirmidhi, who categorised it as Hadith Hasan].

Commentary: The word Ghargharah means the stage when soul is about to leave the body and reaches the throat. In other words, the time when one suffers the agony of death.

Hadith Hasan means that Hadith the authenticity of which is connected without any technical defect. Their narrators, however, are next to those of Hadith Sahih. In the opinion of Muhaddithin (Hadith scholars), Hadith Hasan is also reliable as Hadith Sahih

Credits : Akhi Abu Dhar

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