Tuesday, September 05, 2017


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Currently, many Muslims around the globe are subjected to unimaginable torture and brutality.

As Muslims, and members of one global family, we are definitely required to feel their pain & to make an earnest effort to assist them in every way possible. But that 'effort' does not include circulating gruesome pictures of our brothers & sisters.

As Humans, we are taught to cover the deceased wherever they may be. And not to leave human corpses to lay around like that of animals. Allah ﷻ‬‎ has endowed humanity with dignity.

Broadcasting pics of our fellow Muslim brothers & sisters choking on their blood or laying martyred on the ground or even as decapitated is totally wrong.

In trying to -rightfully- create awareness of their plight we have -unknowingly- failed their right to privacy. It is indeed sad, how we have violated their dignity.

Please do continue to raise awareness and to assist the part of our family that is greatly in need. But don't be tricked into thinking that they would want their fallen bodies broadcast throughout the world.

Let's ask ourselves, Would we want that for our own selves or our blood brothers, sisters & parents?

May Allāh Subhānahu wa TA'ALA‎ guide us & may HE alleviate the suffering of the Ummah. Aameen

@Deepthinking (Q&A)
**📨@IslamNode📥** 05/09/2017

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