Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Alhamdulillah: I FEAR THIS DAY

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A day i will stand before my LORD
A day i will be questined about my deeds
A day i will talk and no one can hear
A day i shall be wrapped in white pieces of cloths
A day i will be announced"no more"
A day i will be placed in my personal room(grave)
A day i will be embraced by DEATH
A day i shall respond to the call of my LORD
A day dust becomes my bed
And sand surrounds me even behind my back
A day i will be left alone to face my GOD
And i think the starting point of getting rid of these fears is by making sincere Du'a to my LORD...
ya Allah, purify our hearts
forgive our sins
grant us Jannah
grant us sincerity in our speech and actions
guide us to the straight path
give us the in these world and the next
save us from the punishment of the grave and hellfire
keep us steadfast
grant us righteous spouses
grant us submissive offsprings
grant us good ending
And grant us the bounty of entering Jannah without torture


Credits : Fareedah bint Zakariyah

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