Wednesday, March 15, 2017


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6 Do’s and 6 don’ts of Ramadhan:
1. Do perform Salah with showq, zeal. Fardh with first takbeer, Taraweeh full 20 Rak’ats , tahajjud, Sunnate muakkadah and nawaafil with punctuality. (Ladies should try to pray Salah at home and in the beginning time, don’t delay till end time)
2. Do keep all fasts properly; Don’t miss a single fast. Don’t break any fast. Learn masaail of sawm.
3. Do calculate zakat and give it properly. Give nafil sadaqah. Be generous. Spend! Allah will spend on you.
4. Do recite as much Quran as you can. During the day, in the morning, at lunch time after Asr, and during the night.
5. Do be punctual of Dhikr. Tasbeehaat, Kalima Tayyeba, Astaghfaar, & Durood shareef.
6. Do make lots of duas. For yourself, your family, friends & for the whole ummah.

6 Don’ts are as follows.
1. Don’t use the the Tongue unwisely. Avoid swearing, backbiting, slandering, accusing, quarrelling, etc. Smoking is also a sin of the mouth. Ramadhan is a good time to give up smoking. Nicotine patches don’t break the fast. So seek help from them if need be.
2. Don’t use the eyes unwisely. Refrain from the sin of the eyes. Don’t watch movies, dramas, etc. If you have to interact with the opposite gender at work, be modest, Lower your eyes. Eye contact has a huge effect on the heart & mind.
3. Don’t listen to stuff you shouldn’t be listening to. Control your ears. Songs and music corrupt the soul, and are detrimental to one’s spirituality. Don’t listen to gossip. Leave that gathering where backbiting starts.
4. Don’t fornicate or commit adultery. If someone has this habit, they should give it up in Ramadhan. Make sincere tawba and never go back to it. Avoid pornography and masturbation. Refrain from actions which lead to spiritual destruction.
5. Don’t earn haram nor consume haram. Make sure your income and your food are both 100% halal. If one has a habit of consuming alcohol or drugs, give it up! If there is any haram income coming in, give it up in Ramadhan. Filter it out.
6. Don’t waste time on tv, on computer, on mobiles, on social media etc. Time is our most valuable asset. Protect it and use it wisely.
May Allah give us Tawfeeq to behave properly. May Allah give us Tawfeeq to welcome Ramadhan in the way it deserves. May Allah bless us with His special Qurb and Muhabbat. May Allah be pleased with us all. Ameen
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