Wednesday, March 15, 2017


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This morning was a cold walk accross the park to work. I made sure that I was prepared by putting on my big coat, woolly hat and gloves before even leaving the house. So what?
Well, we are always reminded, either in the quran, ahadith or by others, of the temporary nature of this life in the dunya, yet we still remain ignorant to prepare for when we have to leave this world. The journey to work/ school etc. for us is only a short one yet we prepare for whatever the weather may be outdoors, but for the permanent abode of the akhirah (hereafter) we choose to cast aside in our mind and ignore the signs telling us to prepare?
I leave you to ponder over this…May Allah Almighty give us the ability to draw some important lessons from above and act in order to prepare for our eternal life in the hereafter, ameen.
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