Wednesday, November 01, 2017

WAHABI !!!??

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Sorry, the post maybe too long.

Atimes, one will be forced to conclude that some folks, although they are non-muslims, have senses more than our own brothers in Islam. Perhaps, their ignorance is a zoonotic disease contracted from a certain species that have gone into extinction (see IUCN RED LIST,lol)
When a so called "moderate Muslim" labels you a "Wahabi", the best thing to do is to draw out your tongue (Ntooor!), trust me, his frustration will increase by 30% because he labelled you out of frustration already. Who or what is  Wahabi? According to them, Wahabi is a Muslim who follows the anti-polytheism teachings of Shaykh-l-Islam Muhammad Ibn AbdilWahab An-Najdi (may Allaah reward him with Jannah). As contained in Q 16 Vs 36, the basic assignment of every messenger is to call his people to monotheism (anti-polytheism), why then do you have issues with the Dawah of the noble Shaykh?

" And verily, We have sent among every Ummah (community, nation) a Messenger (proclaiming): "Worship Allah (Alone), and avoid (or keep away from) Taghut (all false deities, etc.i. e. do not worship Taghut besides Allah)..." (Nahl Vs 36).

Tagging people as Wahabi is not really an issue, the main issue arrises when they start to compare your doctrine with the doctrine of people like Bin Laden and Abubakar Shekau. Well, I can only blame frustration and ignorance. Every upright scholar (of Islam) in this era has dissociated themselves from the teachings of Bin Laden. They all have  tried so hard to differentiate between the Dawah of Bin Laden and the Dawah of Ibn AbdilWahab.

The former grand mufti of Saudi, Shaykh AbdulAziz Ibn Bazz said " My advice to Al-Massari, Faqih, Bin Laden, and anyone following their way is to give up this destructive path they’ve taken, to fear Allāh and fear His retribution and anger. They must return to guidance and repent to Allāh for what they’ve done. Allāh has promised the repentant to accept their repentance, saying:

" ...And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression.." [Q 5:2].

"Say: Oh my servants who have transgressed against themselves, do not despair of the mercy of Allāh. Certainly, Allāh forgives all sins. Indeed, it is he who is the forgiving, the merciful. And return back to your Lord and submit to him before the punishment comes upon you; then you will not be helped " [Q39:53-54].

" And turn to Allāh in repentance, all of you, oh believers, that you might succeed. [Q24:31]

[ “Al-Buḥūth al-Islāmiyyah” magazine, (No. 50, pgs. 7-17), “al-Muslimūn” and “al-Sharq al-Awsaṭ” newspapers (in the Arabic month of Jamādá al-Ūwlá in 1417 Hijrah – which corresponds to 1996 C.E.]

To the moderate Muslims who sees anyone calling to the anti-polytheism  Dawah of Muhammad Ibn AbdilWahab as a terrorist and trying to link the Dawah  of the Shaykh to the Dawah of Ben Laden (and Shekau), Natana J. Delong -  Bas, a female and a non-muslim has this to say to you :

"Across time and space, the Wahhabis have been depicted as violent fanatics, wreaking havoc, death, and destruction against anyone whom they considered to be unbelievers or associationists.
This depiction clearly has no basis in the written works of Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab. Although he taught that monotheism should always be upheld and associationism must be eradicated, violence and killing were not the prescribed methods for achieving these goals.
He always emphasized education and discussion as the appropriate means for calling people to monotheism. Rather than calling for violence and destruction, his writings on jihad were permeated with an emphasis on the importance of the preservation of life, human, plant, and animal, and property, both human and material.
Ibn Abd al-Wahhab's careful, and detailed discussion of jihad -- how it is defined, who is to carry it out, and under what circumstances and the regulations applying to it both during and afterward -- demonstrates a concern for placing limitations of violence and destruction rather than calling for indiscriminate militance against nonadherents to his teachings. His focus on the preservation of life -- human, plant, and animal -- as well as property reflects his concern for respect of others and the desire to pursue peaceful means of conversion and the establishment of cooperative relationships with others. In keeping with this vision, Ibn Abd al-Wahhab sought to limit violence, particularly applications of the death penalty, because he believed that this was counterproductive and likely only to produce fear, not faith.
Ibn Abd al-Wahhab's overwhelming concern was the winning of adherents through faith of the heart -- a goal that he believed could best be achieved through dialogue rather that destruction. According to this vision, jihad has no place as an offensive activity. It is a method of last resort in defending the Muslim community from aggression so that the work of proselytization can continue.

[Wahabi Islam : from revival and reform to global jihad]

Another problem is our one and only Muhadith of West Africa who resides in Ilorin(Lol). That is a topic for another day  In Shaa Allaah.

Big thanks to brother Ibrahiym A. El-Caleel

Farhan Ibn Moshood Jimba

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