Wednesday, November 01, 2017

The one who interpret the Quran without knowledge

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the hadith can be found in the collection of Ahadith known as Mishkatul Masabih by Imam al Tabrizi (ash shafi'i). the hadith is Ibn Abbas may allah be pleased with him reported that the Prophet s.a.w as saying. "He who speaks about the Qur'an on the basis of his personal opinion (only) would find his abode in Hell fire. In another version, He who speaks about the Qur'an without sound knowledge of it would find his abode in Hell fire. (Tirmidhi). This hadith has also been quoted by Ahmad Ibn Taymiyya in his Muqaddima fi Usool al tafsir (english translation by M.A.H. Ansari under the tittle 'An Introduction to the Principles of Tafsir, page 60). classed as daif by Al Albaani. classed as sahih by Ibn Taymiyya. classed as Hasan by Imam al Tirmidhi. classed as hasan by great scholar of Hadith Imam al Suyuti (d. 911/1505) in his al jami al saghir. also classed as Hasan by Imam Munawi.                                                                      Now let me back it up with this narrations as follows, Abu Hurayra r.a reported the Prophet s.a.w as saying three times; Opinion based arguments (controverting) about the Qur'an are kufr "Then he said, "what you know of it, act upon it: and what you are ignorant of, refer to one who knows (e.g a qualified Mufassir) related by Imam Ahmad and Abu Ya'la see also Sunan Abu Dawoud, 3/4586 english................................                                       Anas Ibn Malik r.a said, 'I will give an exemplary punishment to any man brought to me who is not knowledgeable in Arabic yet interprets (tafsir) Allah's Book (related by al Bayhaqi, see Hafiz al Dhahabi's at Tafsir wa'l Mufasirron, vol 1 page 224).                                            Imam Mujahid r.h.m the disciple of the great companion Ibn Abbas r.a said, " It is not permissible for anyone who believes in Allah and the last day to interpret Allah's Book if he is not knowledgeable in the Arabic language. (vide: Mabahith fi Uloom al Qur'an, page 331, by M. al Qattan). and Allah knows beatand the reat depend on the reader to choose. May Allah help us all and grant us Jannah al Firdaus.

@Mas'ood Aboo Haneefah

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