Sunday, April 30, 2017

Just Few Days Of Ramadan Left – You Can Still Do It!

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So, you started your Ramadan with a bang, and lost the enthusiasm and zeal to carry with the same energy after a week or so? Fret not. You are not alone. Many people start off Ramadan with lofty ambitions and goals, only to find themselves slacking off mid way due to various reasons ranging from not planning ahead to losing the motivation and drive to continue. If you are struggling with decreased motivation and want to make the best of Ramadan in the last few days, read on.
It’s Never Too Late
Remember, Ramadan isn’t over until it’s actually over! Ten days is a lot of time for you to make up for what you’ve missed. Since the last ten days have a prestigious position during the blessed month (because laylatul qadr could fall on any of the odd nights) it is increasingly essential for you to focus on what you can do, rather than brooding over what has already happened. Convince your mind and heart not to lose hope, because Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala hasn’t lost hope in you. He believes you can, so you can!
Refine Your Intentions:If you are planning to speed up your process of completing your goals during the last ten days to show off to your friends or family, you are fundamentally going WRONG. Always do your deeds with the right intentions and that involves beginning a deed with the intention to please Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala *alone*. Remember, you will be rewarded for your righteous intentions even if you are not able to complete the task, so purify your intentions and renew them every single time.
Dua and Repentance:Don’t slacken off because your 20 days went wrong. No! If Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala has allowed you to wake up during the last few days of Ramadan, it means that He Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala trusts that you *will* raise your standards and make the best use of the month. Make dua as much as you can, whenever you can. Be sincere and let your heart and mind feel every single letter you say. Dua is only as strong as you use it. Use it well. An overdose never hurts! Additionally, nothing increases the quality of your life like repentance does. Read this inspiring story for more.
Quality Over Quantity:As with anything, quality always takes precedence over quantity. What’s the point of indulging in speed reading the glorious Quran if your mind and heart is heedless? Imagine having completed the whole Quran and your heart is still not moved by a single verse or ayat?
Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala sees who is best in deeds  1, not necessarily those who’ve done the most number of deeds that are lacking in ihsaan, consistency or purity of intentions. Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala loves deeds that are consistent 2, even if they are small.
So, set up goals that are consistent and feasible, and most importantly, remember to continue doing them even after Ramadan. Being a good Muslim and striving to get closer to Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala doesn’t end with Ramadan. It needs to be a lifelong commitment and goal. Therefore, keep the end goal of paradise in mind rather than just keeping the end goal of Ramadan in mind.
Involve Others Too:It’s always nice to have company that would motivate you to reach your goals and pursue them with zeal and enthusiasm when you feel down or out. Additionally, your rewards of deeds get multiplied manifold when you edge others to do good. So don’t be selfish and limit your performance of good deeds to yourself. Encourage and push your family members and friends to do the same. Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taalawill reward you for every act of worship they do because of your persistence. Imagine getting a huge mountain of good deeds just because you gave others an encouraging word or pushed them to reach a higher level of emaan.
Give to Receive:Nothing increases the barakah and blessings of your life like charity does. It extinguishes sins like water puts off fire. Imagine having a clean book of deeds with no sins against your name?! So, give and give some more in charity. Since every single act of good deed is multiplied innumerably during the month of Ramadan, what better way to make the best use of the last ten days than in giving charity? It could be a single dollar in your eyes, but when done sincerely, it could be counted as a billion dollars or more in terms of rewards in Allah’s eyes. Purify your intentions and give. And you might just receive so much more than you ever dreamt off! Charity would be a satisfying way to end Ramadan.
Ibn `Abbâs MALE radi-allahu-anhu relates that: “Allah’s Messenger SAWS was the most generous of all people in doing good, and he was at his most generous during the month of Ramadan. Gabriel used to meet with him every year throughout the month of Ramadan, so the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam could recite the Qur’ân to him. Whenever Gabriel met with him, he became more generous than a beneficial breeze.” 3
May Allah forgive us for our shortcomings and pour His mercy and blessings upon us. Ameen.

  1.  Glorious Quran, Surah Kahf, Chapter 18, Verse 7 ↩
  2.  Reported by ‘Aisha FEMALE Radi Allahu Anha: Allah’s Apostle Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, “Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately and know that your deeds will not make you enter Paradise, and that the most beloved deed to Allah’s is the most regular and constant even though it were little.”(Bukhari) ↩
  3.  Sahîh al-Bukhârî (1902) and Sahîh Muslim (2308) ↩
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