Wednesday, October 04, 2017


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In this age of nudity
Which is a severe stupidity
Perhaps, a worldly mentality
I've dropped any kind of timidity
And I've put forward my religious ability
And I've made covering a priority
My creator blessed me with an awesome
He told me it's unique
I should cover not only when I'm in the mosque
But even when I'm in the mall
Else, on the day of reckoning, I might fall
But He wants me to stand tall
He wants me to see the noor
So He alerted me in Suuratul Noor
When the weather is hot and I cover, the
question I
hear is "in this hotness?"
But when the weather is cold and some people
reveal, the question I don't hear is "in this
How unfair the world is!
The west thinks I'm being oppressed
Maybe they're possessed
They think covering is of the past
How can the command of the Almighty be past?
Truly, their thoughts are at last
Safeguarding my modesty is a must
So when I'm being loved, it's real, not a lust
So my marriage becomes fast
I'll now show to my hubby what I didn't show to
I'll show to him what I kept hidden from the
Because it's meant for solely him not for the
He will now see how gorgeous I am
How rare I am
How truly unique I am
Because when thousands of ladies chose to be
cheap as stones found everywhere
I chose to be as uncommon as a diamond not
In his eyes, I'll glitter like a star
Because I chose to be an HIJAABAH SISTER

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