Thursday, November 10, 2016

How to Make the Woman of Your Dreams Fall in Love with You

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Waking up next to the woman of your dreams is an incredible feeling. I’m one of the lucky men who experience this pleasure ever morning. But to be honest, I’m not as lucky as it might seem.
Yes, I am in a fulfilling relationship with the woman I love, but the fact that I am in this situation has nothing to do with luck.
Have you ever heard of the saying “the harder I work the luckier I get”?
I’m sure you have. This principle is not only true for business success. It’s also true for relationship success. You can’t attract the woman of your dreams by being lazy. You can, however, attract her by doing the following things.

Connect with Her on an Emotional Level  
Women are very emotional. Yes, men have emotions too but women experience them a lot more intense than men. Men are more visual and when they are with a beautiful woman who shows interest in them, they easily fall in love
Women are different. They are not as visual as men and they need more time to fall in love. They need to feel some sort of connection before they can fall in love with a man.
It’s your job to connect with her.
How do you do that?
It’s pretty simple. All you need to do is to talk about emotional topics and refer these topics to you.
Encourage her to share some interesting stories with her and share your own experiences with her. Ask her about her childhood and share your childhood memories with her.
That’s how you connect with women on an emotional level.

Treat Her with Respect
Despite what a lot of men believe, women don’t want to be together with men who treat them badly. No, they want to be together with guys who respect them and who treat them with respect.
One way to do this is by listening to her. Listening to one another is a way of showing respect. Unfortunately, most men don’t listen to women.
Listen to what she says. This shows her that you respect her, but it also has another great side effect. Women are very good at helping men when they are interested in them. She will reveal everything you need to know about her and about the way she wants to be treated. All you need to do is to listen to her.

Let Her Be a Part of Your Life
What are your interests, hobbies, and passion?
Don’t be afraid that she will respect you less when she finds out that you love to play board games. She won’t. She wants to be a part of your life, but only if you have the confidence to invite her.
Share your interests and passion with her. Show her that you are not ashamed of your nerdy hobbies. In fact, having the self-confidence to not be ashamed and to not hide your nerdy hobby can be a huge brownie point.

Give Her the Experiences She’s Missing
No woman wants to date a boring man.
If you spend 95% of your time in front of the TV, you can’t expect a woman to fall in love with you.  If you don’t do anything in your live besides working and watching TV, you will never experience the power of love.
I know, this is a hard pill to swallow but I rather tell you the truth than telling you that your lifestyle has no impact on her feelings for you. You need to have an interesting lifestyle in order to attract women. There is no way around it. You need to be willing to experiences something and to go on adventures.
Why do you think women are attracted to the Indiana Jones type of guys?
They crave adventure. They dream about meeting a guy who takes them on exciting trips. Remember, women fall in love when they feel something and excitement is an emotion that no woman wants to miss in their life.

Don’t Be Afraid to Take the Next Step
Being afraid of the next step is the fastest way to push a woman away. Women want men who are not afraid of commitment. They don’t want to date immature boys who run away when things are about to get serious.
No woman will fall in love with you when she has the feeling that you are not worthy of her love. She can only allow herself to develop deep feelings for you when she knows that you are committed.
So don’t be afraid to take the next step, even if it’s just meeting her parents. Show her that you are a real man and that she is the woman of your dreams.
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